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I Wrote My Own Theme

Jeffrey Forman

With none of the free time I have, but with the desire to write more and keep that side of my brain fresh, I tried my hand at making my own Hugo theme.

Why? I have drifted between themes over the years, never quite liking anything enough to keep it. Sometimes the content area was too narrow, or the fonts didn’t seem easy enough on my eyes. With things like Bootstrap making the CSS side of things supposedly easy and lots of examples on Github, I set off.

No really, why? With my day-to-day job as an SRE, front-end design and ‘making things pretty’ is not an area I tend to experience often. And really, how hard could this be?


  • A wide content area unencombered by a lot of stylistic flourish.
  • Some static pages to write about things that didn’t fit into the ‘blog post’ category.
  • An effort I could be moderately proud of without striving for perfection.

I present:
